
Mathematician. CEO of the National Public Procurement Center, Perú Compras.

Head of Academic Content at the Toulouse Lautrec Institute.

Professor of Economy at Pacífico University and Lima University.

Geriatric Psychiatrist and Clinical Researcher at Minneapolis VA Medical Center.

Chef Private West Palm Beach.

MBA, business consultant and university professor of international economics. Creator of FUNIBES, a foundation that supports people with hearing disabilities with scholarships.

Psychologist specialized in Talent Management, currently working at Kimberly-Clark.

Market Researcher for nearly 25 years. Currently, she is Head of Cultural Activities at the Japanese Peruvian Association (APJ).

Lawyer specializing in energy issues, Advisor to the Economic Operation Committee of the National Electric Interconnected System of Peru.

Budget Administrator for the city of Scottsdale, AZ. where she also volunteers on the Diversity Advisory Committee.

CEO and consultant with more than 20 years in management positions in multinational companies, member of the global organization Women Execs on Boards and co-chair for Latin America. Speaker, columnist and podcaster.

Systems Engineer at IBM - USA, New Jersey. Scout Leader.