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National Leader.

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Currently working on his own music project as a singer-songwriter and producer. His focus is being a bridge between people and to foster the feeling of unity around the world.

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Alessandra is a graduate in social sciences and MA in Development Studies. She has been involved in research on mental health and disability in Peru and abroad. She currently works for UNICEF promoting an evidence-based culture across the organization.

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Melissa is an educator working to advance digital literacy and open knowledge for the Wikimedia Foundation. She’s also the co-funder of MásEducaciónPe and co-author of the book “Educadoras sin Límites”.

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Industrial engineer and entrepreneur. Founder and general manager of Greentech Innovations, a company dedicated to developing new technologies to mitigate environmental impact and improve the reliability of motor vehicles and heavy machinery.

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Lorena is a young professional working in the fields of education, financing and global citizenship. She is also a singer and is part of the local band “La Ciudad”. She enjoys hiking and exploring coffee shops.

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Diego is a singer songwriter and CEO at Ideari Creative Company. Creative Director with more than 10 years of experience developing brands and advertising campaigns.

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Josselin is based in London working as a Rights and Intellectual Property Administrator at Moonbug Entertainment. She is the Co Founder of El Audifono (startup within the music industry in Peru) and author of “Pascal and the cupcakes” (children's book).

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Kei is a lawyer working in the legal consulting industry by providing tax legal advice to both local and international clients. She enjoys cooking and playing the piano.

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Educator specialized in Psychopedagogy, Language and Intercultural Education. Working as university professor and therapist of people with Learning Disabilities. Doing research to obtain a PhD in Cultural Symbiotics (Social Psychology) at Okayama University (Japan).