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Systems Engineering Bachelor, working as IT analyst in a cooperative bank of the peruvian nikkei community. Ex Director of Youths Activities Department of the Japanese Peruvian Association. Hobbies: 3D Printing, Photography, Singing.

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Primary school teacher. Licence's degree in education. Primary school teacher at the Alexander von Humboldt School.

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Bachelor of International Business from the Universidad de Lima with experience in the financial sector and intercultural relations. Scholarship holder from the Universidad Santo Tomás (Colombia) and the International Youth Development Exchange Program (Japan).


Environmental Engineer, with specialty in environmental quality and oversight. Scholar in Master in Response to Climate Change in South Korea. Consultor and former Public Servant as Environmental Specialist.


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Marketeer. Fashion and Beauty Marketing and Communications. Account Executive at Ogilvy Perú.


Linguist with interest in philology, sociolinguistics and Critical Discourse Analysis. She currently works at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru and Escuela Nacional Superior de Arte Dramático as a linguistics teacher and researcher.


Valeria is currently a Global Communications & UX Design Specialist at IBM. She also leads the Diversity, Equality and Inclusion strategy for IBM Peru. In 2020, she graduated top 10% of her Communications Sciences class.