SWYAA Peru is a non-profit association, formed with peruvian ex-participants of the Ship for World Youth Program (SWY) and the International Development Exchange Program (INDEX).
Our mission is to enhance the SWY values, as well as foster local and international activities that strengthens ties with other SWYAA around the world; nevertheless, at the same time broadcast our country and promote its development.

Board of

Psychologist and psychotherapist, Currently working as Personal Development Coordinator at Laboratoria, a Latin American organization which encourages woman to start and grow a trasnformative career in technology.

BA in Communications (1999), MBA (2009). Studied and researched in Japan (2002). Currently serves as International Coordinator, Cross-Cultural Facilitator and English-Spanish-Japanese Interpreter. Has been on SWY for 8 times.

Systems Engineering Bachelor, working as IT analyst in a cooperative bank of the peruvian nikkei community. Ex Director of Youths Activities Department of the Japanese Peruvian Association. Hobbies: 3D Printing, Photography, Singing.

Internationalist and Master in Contemporary Integration in Latin America. Phd Student at University of Brasília (Brazil). Quechua woman and Human Rights activist. Researcher and Professor from the Global South committed with social justice worldwide.

Sustainability lead with experience in corporate communications, digital transformation and innovation. Focused on projects to foster youth employment, financial inclusion and customer education on sustainability.

Psychologist and psychotherapist, Currently working as Personal Development Coordinator at Laboratoria, a Latin American organization which encourages woman to start and grow a trasnformative career in technology.

BA in Communications (1999), MBA (2009). Studied and researched in Japan (2002). Currently serves as International Coordinator, Cross-Cultural Facilitator and English-Spanish-Japanese Interpreter. Has been on SWY for 8 times.

Systems Engineering Bachelor, working as IT analyst in a cooperative bank of the peruvian nikkei community. Ex Director of Youths Activities Department of the Japanese Peruvian Association. Hobbies: 3D Printing, Photography, Singing.

Internationalist and Master in Contemporary Integration in Latin America. Phd Student at University of Brasília (Brazil). Quechua woman and Human Rights activist. Researcher and Professor from the Global South committed with social justice worldwide.

Sustainability lead with experience in corporate communications, digital transformation and innovation. Focused on projects to foster youth employment, financial inclusion and customer education on sustainability.